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How Small Businesses Can Go Global With VoIP

Before the internet became available to the masses, a small or midsize business would often be relegated to working in their local community, or if they're lucky, the surrounding region. This has changed greatly, and smaller companies can now reach out to consumers around the world. Of course, this can take a bit of work. Businesses utilizing voice over IP (VoIP) telephony services, though, are already ahead of the game. Availability of International Phone Numbers Even if a company is successfully able to reach out to individuals across the globe, this will do very little if they don't have an international phone number. While some businesses scrape by with providing only website-based customer service, there's no denying that some issues are better handled over the phone. VoIP provides this opportunity. When setting up VoIP services, many vendors provide the option of creating international phone numbers. So if a business realizes that a large number of individuals in Mexico and Brazil are interested in their product, they can have "local" phone numbers set up for each. Since the growth of international VoIP minutes used more than doubled between 2008 and 2015, it's obvious more companies are catching on. Huge Savings on Calls One of the financially prohibitive aspects of taking a company global is the cost of long-distance calling. While the price per minute for international calls has reduced drastically over the last decade, it can still add up for a small company that's consistently calling foreign numbers through their legacy phone system. Even if they're receiving long-distance services in bulk, the business is still likely paying a hefty premium. This is another difficulty VoIP wipes out. Instead of paying to connect over phone lines, customer service representatives and salespeople can make calls right over the company's high-speed internet connection. So no matter how many times employees reach out to international customers, the cost of calling isn't going to skyrocket. Face-to-Face Meetings from 12,000 Miles Away One of the more popular features of VoIP services is video chat and conferencing. Maybe a company has set up a team halfway across the world. Maybe there's a promising client who wants to have a conversation before closing the deal. Either way, many internet-based phone systems now provide video capabilities so that distance means nothing for a face-to-face conversation. Mobile Employees Are Better For International If a company in New York has international customers in Colombia, they're lucky enough to share the same time zone. This means that consumers will be able to reach the company during business hours without a hassle. If the same company is doing business in Poland, however, a 10 a.m. business call from a Polish customer will come through at 3 a.m. New York time. While it may be difficult to have employees on-site all hours of the day, it can be quite simple to have these same workers on the clock or on call working from home. VoIP vendors can set up mobile capability so employees stay connected regardless of where they are. This means the consumer from Poland can get Ron the salesman whenever they feel motivated to make a purchase. Since it's projected there will be more than 105 million mobile workers in America by 2020, it's obvious that the tides of business are moving in this direction. VoIP services provide a host of benefits, and for any company, that's really dreaming big. These benefits include reaching out to the entire world. While internet telephony service isn't all that's necessary to take a company global, it can make the transition much simpler. By the time all is said and done, a small business that's successful in this arena might not be that "small" anymore.
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